Thursday, May 10, 2012

Hot beating fruit (Watermelon)

The big round green color fruit, which is fresh and easy to eat is known as Watermelon. This fruit is one of the most hot beating in summer to human beings.

If we cut this fruit, then we get slice like reddish color. This fruit contains large water content in it and which will beat the trusty in the summer hot. These plant are fruited in January and get yield fruits in March. These fruits are round and square in shape. but frequently available are round fruits only. These plant can planted easily and it doesn't requires more maintenance. We supply these fruits just Rs.7000/ton. In market it moves around Rs.10/kg to Rs.15/kg. If we sell in round shop we get around Rs.10-20/kg as a profit. This fruits are likely to be eaten in summer days and now a days juices are made through watermelon. which is more profitable for selling.

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